Thursday, April 24, 2008

Picking Classes

Picking classes is seriously one of the most overwhelming things ever for me.  I start by simply browsing over generals and then suddenly before I know it I'm terrified to click the "add" button on a class because I'm afraid that this particular class in this particular major will prevent me from getting a successful job and then I will fail at life and end up never moving out of my parents' house.  

But then I get a little comfort in the fact that I am not alone.  I just finished Anna Karenina (finally!)  and this little passage tells everything I'm feeling way more eloquently than I can express it:

"Oh, what a wonderful age you are," Anna went on.  "I remember very well that sort of blue mist, like the mist on the Swiss mountains.  That mist that envelops everything in the blissful time when childhood is just coming to an end, and out of the vast circle, happy and gay, a path takes shape that keeps getting narrower and narrower, and you go on to this lane gaily and fearfully, even though it looks right and lovely... Who hasn't passed through that?"

But then again should I really be taking advice from a woman who threw herself under a train?  Whatever, I'll just pick easy "grade-boosting" generals and figure I'll get my life together next semester.

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