Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ways to Waste Your Time on the Internet

The other day Fannie was complaining to me that she was tired from staying up too late the night before. When I asked her what she was doing she told me she was on the Internet for a few hours. Having a mindless job where I have a lot of time to kill and computer access, I asked her to share some of her favorite time wasters with me. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the ones she sent me so I thought why not help others make it through their work day. Here they are enjoy!

- This one is my favorite! I don't believe half of the things I read on this but they are pretty great. My personal favorite is "More people are killed each year by donkeys than in plane crashes" Who the hell are these idiots being killed by donkeys?



- check out the Uniquely Oakley vid trailer...super sick!

- Most random no idea how steph found this


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